Sunday, January 4, 2009

Disclaimer for non-Renegades

Attention to all that choose to read this site that aren't Renegades or Renegades fans:

It's obvious there are many who look at this web-site for various reasons, and you are more than welcome. That is your right. Just as it is mine to write it.
You know, 1st amendment rights and all that?????
However, keep in mind, this is a site for Renegades and fans. Things said here might offend some of you and that's the risk you take if you decide to do so.
Everything here is meant to be a joke and a way to lift morale for my team.
If it offends a friend, it's not meant to, and I'm truly sorry.
It is not meant to instigate any problems.
If it bothers you, simply don't read it.
Life is too short and other things are more important to let me get to you.
Should things that are said and done to us be OK and tolerated and what I say isn't?
Most of the time, I'm only counter punching.
Sticks and stones.
I know some of the other teams members are checking out this web-site. That was anticipated and that's OK. Welcome. But don't you sort of feel a little dirty doing it? Just a thought.